
Malware updated a month ago (2024-08-14T09:29:35.292Z)
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WastedLocker is a malicious software, or malware, developed in 2020 by the Evil Corp Group. It's a phone ransomware that targets both Windows and Android devices, capable of exploiting and damaging your computer or device without your knowledge. WastedLocker is a part of a lineage of malware that includes DoppelPaymer (developed in 2019) and utilizes a Delphi-based crypter known as CryptOne, which dates back to 2015. CryptOne has been used with various other malware families such as Gozi, Dridex, NetWalker, and indeed WastedLocker. The attackers have previously employed SocGholish to target numerous newspaper websites operated by a U.S. media company. SocGholish has been used as a primer for several ransomwares, including WastedLocker, LockBit, Drydex, Hive, among others. A unique feature of WastedLocker is its ability to detect and disable a list of security software, using samples crypted by the CryptOne crypter. Unlike many malwares that target specific extensions, WastedLocker includes a list of directories and extensions to exclude from the encryption process. A variant of WastedLocker, Hades ransomware, uses a different User Account Control (UAC) bypass than WastedLocker. However, both implementations are sourced directly from the open-source UACME project. Interestingly, Hades writes a single ransom note named "HOW-TO-DECRYPT-[extension].txt" to traversed directories, contrasting WastedLocker’s approach of creating a note for each encrypted file. The continued development of WastedLocker ransomware signifies the persistent attempts by its creators to distance themselves from known tooling to aid in bypassing sanctions imposed on them.
Description last updated: 2024-08-14T09:12:27.691Z
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CryptOne is a Delphi-based crypter malware, dating back to 2015, that has been frequently used by various malicious software families such as Gozi, Dridex, NetWalker, and WastedLocker. This crypter is reportedly offered as a Crypter-As-A-Service and it's capable of detecting and disabling a list of
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SocGholish is a malicious software (malware) that has been significantly prevalent in cyber threats over recent years. In 2022, it was observed being used in conjunction with the Parrot TDS to deliver the FakeUpdates downloader to unsuspecting visitors on compromised websites. By late 2022, Microsof
Gozi is a notorious malware that has been linked to numerous cyber attacks. It's typically delivered through sophisticated malvertising techniques, often used in conjunction with other initial access malware such as Pikabot botnet agent and IcedID information stealer. When an individual accesses a c
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a month ago
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