
Threat Actor updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T14:12:14.968Z)
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PayloadBIN is a threat actor associated with the infamous cybercrime group, Evil Corp. This association emerged in 2021 when Babuk ransomware operations rebranded as PayloadBIN in an apparent effort to evade sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in December 2019. The group has been responsible for developing and deploying several malware and ransomware strains, including WastedLocker, Hades, PhoenixLocker, and Macaw. Despite their notorious reputation, PayloadBIN represents a significant evolution of the group's tactics, demonstrating their adaptability and resilience in the face of countermeasures. The group has shown a remarkable ability to adapt and innovate over time. Some members have continued to develop new malware and ransomware strains, while others have shifted away from using their proprietary technical tools. Instead, they've begun utilizing other established ransomware strains such as LockBit. This tactical shift indicates a level of strategic flexibility that makes the group more unpredictable and potentially more dangerous. In conclusion, PayloadBIN poses a significant cybersecurity threat due to its association with Evil Corp, its history of developing potent malware and ransomware strains, and its demonstrated ability to adapt and evolve its tactics in response to countermeasures. As the group continues to change and adapt, it is critical for cybersecurity defenses to keep pace with their evolving threats and strategies.
Description last updated: 2024-10-01T19:16:53.753Z
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WastedLocker is a possible alias for Payloadbin. WastedLocker is a sophisticated malware developed by the Evil Corp Group, a notorious cybercriminal organization. This malware is a form of ransomware that targets both Windows and Android devices, encrypting users' data and demanding a ransom for its release. Originating in 2020, WastedLocker utili
Hades is a possible alias for Payloadbin. Hades is a significant threat actor that has been active in the cybersecurity landscape, particularly associated with ransomware attacks. The group uses distinctive tactics and infrastructure, as noted by CTU researchers in June 2021. Hades ransomware operators have been observed using Advanced Port
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