
Threat Actor updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T13:59:33.065Z)
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RedEyes, also known as APT37, TA-RedAnt, Reaper, ScarCruft, Group123, InkSquid, BadRAT, and Ricochet Chollima, is a North Korea-linked threat actor known for its malicious cyber activities. It recently exploited an Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2024-38178 with a CVSS score of 7.5) in a supply chain attack. The group has been observed using a new malware called FadeStealer to steal information from targeted systems and send it to a command-and-control (C2) server. RedEyes' attacks are typically aimed at specific individuals such as North Korean defectors, human rights activists, and university professors. In addition to exploiting vulnerabilities, the group has been spreading malicious emails related to Cambodian affairs in the Khmer language to lure targets. This strategy suggests a shift in tactics and demonstrates their adaptability. Moreover, they have been deploying CloudMensis malware that attempts to identify where SIP is disabled in order to load its own malicious database. While not considered highly sophisticated, this malware is designed to steal various information from compromised machines that can be used as stepping-stones for future attacks. ASEC and Securonix, among other cybersecurity entities, are actively monitoring the activities of the RedEyes group and taking steps to mitigate further damage. The state-sponsored group's recent use of an infostealer targeting North Korean defectors, human rights activists, and university professors underscores the persistent threat they pose. As these attacks continue, organizations are urged to remain vigilant and proactive in their cybersecurity measures to counteract the ongoing threats posed by RedEyes.
Description last updated: 2024-10-21T08:39:13.340Z
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Reaper is a possible alias for RedEyes. Reaper, also known as APT37, Inky Squid, RedEyes, or ScarCruft, is a threat actor group attributed to North Korea. It deploys ROKRAT, a malicious tool that has been used in cyber exploitation since the 1970s. This group is also tied to the NOKKI malware family, which originated from research surroun
APT37 is a possible alias for RedEyes. APT37, also known as RedAnt, RedEyes, ScarCruft, and Group123, is a threat actor suspected to be backed by North Korea. It has been active since at least 2012, primarily targeting South Korea across various industry verticals such as chemicals, electronics, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, and
ScarCruft is a possible alias for RedEyes. ScarCruft, also known as APT37, Inky Squid, RedEyes, Reaper, or Group123, is a North Korean state-sponsored threat actor known for targeting high-value individuals and organizations to further North Korea's geopolitical objectives. This group has shown its agility in adopting new malware delivery me
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