
Threat Actor updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T14:37:58.563Z)
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Reaper, also known as APT37, Inky Squid, RedEyes, or ScarCruft, is a threat actor group attributed to North Korea. It deploys ROKRAT, a malicious tool that has been used in cyber exploitation since the 1970s. This group is also tied to the NOKKI malware family, which originated from research surrounding code overlap and other connections to KONNI. Reaper has been observed to use CloudMensis, a dogged malware that identifies where System Integrity Protection (SIP) is disabled to load its own malicious database. This group has been particularly active, targeting media organizations and think-tank personnel focusing on North Korean affairs, with researchers expecting this activity to continue into 2024. The Reaper threat actor group has notably affected millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices worldwide, outshining previous malware like Mirai. The group uses IoT botnets like Mozi, which emerged from the source code of several known malware families such as Gafgyt, Mirai, and IoT Reaper. These botnets can launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, exfiltrate data, and execute payloads. They infect IoT devices, using network gateways as an inroad for more powerful compromises. In addition to the cyber threats, there are physical security concerns related to Reaper. Information leaks have revealed details about security equipment at locations such as RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, where the MQ-9 Reaper attack drones squadron is based. This highlights the potential for the Reaper threat actor group to exploit vulnerabilities not only in cyberspace but also in real-world military infrastructure.
Description last updated: 2024-05-17T18:15:58.761Z
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APT37 is a possible alias for Reaper. APT37, also known as RedAnt, RedEyes, ScarCruft, and Group123, is a threat actor suspected to be backed by North Korea. It has been active since at least 2012, primarily targeting South Korea across various industry verticals such as chemicals, electronics, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, and
ScarCruft is a possible alias for Reaper. ScarCruft, also known as APT37, Inky Squid, RedEyes, Reaper, or Group123, is a North Korean state-sponsored threat actor known for targeting high-value individuals and organizations to further North Korea's geopolitical objectives. This group has shown its agility in adopting new malware delivery me
RedEyes is a possible alias for Reaper. RedEyes, also known as APT37, TA-RedAnt, Reaper, ScarCruft, Group123, InkSquid, BadRAT, and Ricochet Chollima, is a North Korea-linked threat actor known for its malicious cyber activities. It recently exploited an Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2024-38178 with a CVSS score of 7.5) in
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The Mirai Malware is associated with Reaper. Mirai is a type of malware that primarily targets Internet of Things (IoT) devices, converting them into a botnet, which is then used to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In early 2022, Mirai botnets accounted for over seven million detections worldwide, though there was a 9% quarUnspecified
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