Threat Actor Profile Updated 20 days ago
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APT36, also known as Transparent Tribe and Earth Karkaddan, is a notorious threat actor believed to be based in Pakistan. The group has been involved in cyberespionage activities primarily targeting India, with a focus on government, military, defense, aerospace, and education sectors. Their campaigns have evolved over time, using a variety of customized malware tools such as XploitSPY and ObliqueRAT, and distributing malicious content hosted on infrastructure tied directly to APT36. Notably, the group shifted its focus heavily towards the distribution of Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) binaries, a widely used Linux executable file format specification, as observed by researchers at BlackBerry Threat Research and Intelligence team in 2024. In a recent campaign dubbed "eXotic Visit," APT36 was found using distinctive modifications of the XploitSPY malware that differed from previously documented variants. This operation was linked to several domains, including vebhost[.]com and zainhosting[.]net/com, owned and operated by "ZainHosting." These domains were used to register, renew, and administer several malicious web pages, indicating a clear relationship between them and the Transparent Tribe's infrastructure. Furthermore, the group was seen distributing its CapraRAT malware through a novel YouTube-like Android application called CapraTube, targeting gamers and weapons enthusiasts. Cisco Talos has been closely tracking the activities of APT36, and identified an overlapping but distinct group it refers to as "Cosmic Leopard," under the umbrella title "Operation Celestial Force." Despite some overlap, Talos stated that it doesn't yet have enough technical evidence to link the two threat actors conclusively. APT36 has displayed a trend towards deploying an arsenal of espionage and data exfiltration tools compatible with the Linux platform, which has also been observed by cybersecurity company Zscaler. In summary, APT36 continues to pose a significant cyber threat, particularly to Indian sectors, demonstrating a sophisticated and evolving approach to its malicious activities.
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Transparent Tribe
Transparent Tribe is a threat actor known for conducting malicious campaigns against organizations in South Asia. The group has been linked to the ObliqueRAT malware and CrimsonRAT through its infrastructure, which includes the domains vebhost[.]com, zainhosting[.]net/com, and others. The group has
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Mythic Leopard
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ZainHosting, a Pakistani web hosting services provider, has been identified as a significant threat actor in the cybersecurity landscape. The company is believed to be involved in operating malicious infrastructure for Transparent Tribe, a notorious cyber-espionage group. Three sets of domains—the m
Cosmic Leopard
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Source Document References
Information about the APT36 Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
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