Zevs is a threat actor, identified as being affiliated with the prominent distribution group Hive0106 (also known as TA551). This affiliation was revealed through leaked chats, where there were several instances of Bentley delivering crypted malware samples to affiliates and partners such as Cherry, Netwalker, and Zeus. Zevs has been associated with the use of 'zev,' 'zem,' and 'zvs' gtags during their Trickbot campaigns, demonstrating their involvement in malicious cyber activities.
The threat actor Zevs seems to have substantial experience in mass production and distribution of crypted malware, as inferred from the chat logs. In one conversation, Bentley mentioned to Zevs that they had previously issued batches of crypted malware to a customer who ordered between 30-100 units at a time. This implies that Zevs is not only capable of producing malware but also distributing it on a large scale, which significantly increases its threat potential.
However, the leaked chats also reveal a case of possible miscommunication or code misunderstanding. In a separate context, SMMT chief executive Mike Hawes called for a tax cut for EVs, advocating for government incentives to make the UK the leading market for ZEVs, referring to zero-emission vehicles. While this might appear relevant due to the similar abbreviation, it's important to differentiate between these two uses of "ZEVs" - one being the threat actor, and the other referring to environmentally friendly vehicles.
Description last updated: 2024-01-12T19:20:23.044Z