Threat Actor updated 4 months ago (2024-05-04T18:17:49.071Z)
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Yttrium, also known as APT29, CozyBear, UNC2452, NOBELIUM, and Midnight Blizzard, is a prominent threat actor in the cybersecurity landscape. This group has been attributed to several significant cyber-attacks, with its activities largely overlapping with those attributed to APT29 or CozyBear, according to third-party security researchers. The group is believed to be sponsored by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. However, Microsoft has indicated that there isn't sufficient evidence yet to conclusively attribute certain campaigns to Yttrium, highlighting the complexity and ambiguity often involved in attributing cyber threats. In addition to being a name for a threat group, Yttrium (formerly Digital+ Partners) is also a leading technology growth equity investor based in Frankfurt, Munich, and London. It focuses exclusively on B2B technology companies, leveraging a deep corporate network to help portfolio companies access new markets and build partnerships. Yttrium aims to support ambitious entrepreneurs to build global technology leaders by providing strategic advice and long-term financial support to help them define and execute their growth plans. Following the Summa investment, Yttrium will remain a significant minority shareholder in Logpoint, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to supporting its portfolio companies. The variety of names used to identify these groups, including at least eight names for an Iranian group that Microsoft named PHOSPHORUS and 15 names for the Russian group known as Cozy Bear, highlights the lack of standardization in naming conventions within the cybersecurity industry. The same group can be referred to differently by different entities, such as CrowdStrike's Cozy Bear, Mandiant's UNC2452 and APT29, and Microsoft's NOBELIUM and YTTRIUM. This discrepancy can lead to confusion and differing conclusions in threat analysis, underscoring the need for further coordination and standardization in the field.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T17:44:06.623Z
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IDVotesProfile Description
APT29, also known as Cozy Bear, Nobelium, The Dukes, Midnight Blizzard, BlueBravo, and the SVR group, is a Russia-linked threat actor notorious for its malicious cyber activities. In November 2023, this entity exploited a zero-day vulnerability in WinRAR software to launch attacks against various em
Nobelium, a threat actor linked to Russia, has been identified as a significant cybersecurity concern due to its targeted attacks on diplomatic entities in France and other European Union (EU) governments. The group, known by various names including APT29, SVR Group, Cozy Bear, Midnight Blizzard, an
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2 years ago
Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unidentified attackers - Microsoft Security Blog
2 years ago
Summa Equity invests in Logpoint to create European cybersecurity powerhouse | #hacking | #cybersecurity | #infosec | #comptia | #pentest | #ransomware - National Cyber Security Consulting
2 years ago
Summa Equity acquiert une participation majoritaire dans Logpoint – Global Security Mag Online
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Summa Equity acquiert une participation majoritaire dans Logpoint – Global Security Mag Online
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Summa Equity announced the acquisition of a majority stake in Logpoint – Global Security Mag Online
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Russia-Africa Relations under "The Crisis of the Existing World Order" - Global Research
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