XakNet Team is a notable threat actor that has emerged amidst the escalation of conflict in Ukraine. This group, along with other self-proclaimed hacktivist groups such as CyberArmyofRussia_Reborn and Infoccentr, have surfaced since the beginning of the war, engaging in malicious cyber activities. XakNet Team, as part of the Killnet cluster, has generated a significant following, amassing around 35,000 members. The Killnet cluster, known for its structured organizational hierarchy, collaborates with other pro-Russian hacktivist groups including Anonymous Russia and Zarya.
The modus operandi of these threat actors often involves leaking stolen files and technical documentation on Telegram channels controlled by seemingly "independent volunteers". This tactic is employed to publicize their attacks and spread fear. XakNet Team, along with other active pro-Russian hacktivist groups such as Killnet, NoName057(16), Anonymous Russia, and Cyber Army of Russia, have been particularly instrumental in this regard.
Post the February 2022 invasion, Sandworm, another threat actor, has leveraged pro-Russian Telegram channels, including those operated by XakNet Team and Solntsepek, to claim responsibility for hacks and disseminate stolen information. One such instance involved the Kyivstar outage, where Russian military hackers were implicated. These actions underscore the growing cybersecurity threats posed by these hacktivist groups and emphasize the need for heightened vigilance and robust security measures.
Description last updated: 2024-04-17T15:16:12.355Z