
Malware updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T14:53:44.779Z)
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WhisperKill, also known as ShadyLook, is a destructive malware downloaded by another malicious software called WhisperGate (or PayWipe). As part of the broader family of wiper malware that includes DoubleZero, HermeticWiper, IsaacWiper, WhisperGate, CaddyWiper, and AcidRain, it is designed to exploit and damage computer systems. The primary function of WhisperKill is to destroy files with specific extensions, thereby disrupting operations and potentially causing significant data loss. The emergence of WhisperKill was first noted in mid-January 2022, when a series of disruptive and destructive cyber-attacks began. These attacks were characterized by the use of wiper malware, including WhisperGate and its affiliate, WhisperKill. The attacks were particularly notable for their severity and the breadth of their impact. They were part of a larger wave of cyber warfare incidents that raised global concerns about cybersecurity and the potential for significant disruption to critical infrastructure and services. These cyber-attacks primarily targeted Ukraine, marking a significant escalation in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. The deployment of WhisperKill and other similar malware has underscored the prominent role of cyber warfare in this geopolitical dispute. In response to these attacks, cybersecurity researchers and professionals have been working tirelessly to understand the mechanisms of these malware, develop effective countermeasures, and enhance overall system security to prevent future attacks.
Description last updated: 2024-11-21T10:46:15.108Z
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WhisperGate is a possible alias for Whisperkill. WhisperGate is a malicious software (malware) deployed by Unit 29155 cyber actors, known for their extensive use of this malware, particularly against Ukraine. The malware corrupts a system's master boot record, displays a fake ransomware note, and encrypts files based on specific file extensions. T
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