
Threat Actor updated 4 months ago (2024-05-04T19:31:21.518Z)
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WannaCryptor, also known as WannaCry or Wanna Decryptor, is a threat actor that has been active since at least 2009. This group, which is aligned with North Korea, has been responsible for several high-profile cyber incidents. Notable among these are the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack in 2014, cyber heists amounting to tens of millions of dollars in 2016, and the widespread WannaCry outbreak in 2017. The group has also consistently targeted South Korean public and critical infrastructure since 2011. The WannaCry outbreak in 2017 was particularly significant due to its use of the EternalBlue exploit, a vulnerability in legacy versions of Server Message Block (SMB). This exploit, which was leaked by the National Security Agency (NSA), allowed WannaCryptor to rapidly spread malware across networks. Unlike the Diskcoder.C malware, which only targets computers within the local network address space, WannaCry had a much wider impact. Despite the cybersecurity industry's attempts to mitigate threats like WannaCryptor, the group remains active and continues to evolve its tactics. In addition to their previous attacks, they have also been involved in supply-chain attacks on 3CX and X_TRADER in recent years. These incidents highlight the persistent and evolving nature of the threat posed by WannaCryptor and underline the importance of ongoing vigilance and robust cybersecurity measures.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T17:05:05.121Z
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WannaCry is a type of malware, specifically ransomware, that emerged as one of the most significant cybersecurity threats in 2017. It exploited Windows' SMBv1 Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities (CVE-2017-0144, CVE-2017-0145, CVE-2017-0143), allowing it to spread across networks and encrypt files,
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EternalBlue is a significant software vulnerability that exists in the design or implementation of certain systems. This flaw has been exploited by various cyber threats, with one notable instance being its use as an enabler for the widespread WannaCry ransomware attack. The exploit allows attackers
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