UTA0178, also known as UNC5221, is a China-based threat actor suspected of conducting cyberespionage activities. This group has been active in exploiting vulnerabilities on a global scale, with numerous instances of interaction with compromised devices tied to the Cyberoam proxy network. The IP addresses 71.127.149[.]194 and 173.53.43[.]7 have been observed in these interactions. UTA0178 has also utilized domains to collect credentials from compromised devices, indicating a sophisticated level of operation.
The threat actor's activities gained significant attention when cybersecurity firm Volexity reported that UTA0178 was exploiting flaws in Ivanti Connect Secure VPN appliances for mass attacks worldwide. The exploitation involved the use of a GIFTEDVISITOR webshell variant, which allowed the group to backdoor over 2,100 Ivanti appliances. The threat actor's activities suggest an ongoing effort to compromise these VPN appliances and exfiltrate data in an automated fashion. Interestingly, UTA0178 appears to be making efforts to evade detection by organizations actively seeking evidence of compromise on their Ivanti Connect Secure VPN appliances.
Recent updates show that UTA0178 continues to exploit these vulnerabilities, some dating back to December. The group has even modified scanner/scripts/scanner.py within an archive, demonstrating further evidence of their advanced tradecraft. While other threat actors have attempted similar exploitations, their operational security has been noticeably poorer than that of UTA0178. As such, UTA0178 remains a major concern for cybersecurity experts and organizations worldwide.
Description last updated: 2024-03-22T02:15:54.167Z