Thief Libra

Threat Actor updated 4 months ago (2024-05-04T17:01:21.652Z)
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Thief Libra, also known as WatchDog, is a threat actor identified in the cybersecurity world for its malicious activities. The group's operations involve exploiting vulnerabilities to execute actions with harmful intent. A notable aspect of Thief Libra's modus operandi involves targeting Redis instances, similar to other threat groups like Adept Libra (TeamTnT) and Money Libra (Kinsing). However, the exploitation method used by Thief Libra differs from these groups, particularly in their use of the P2PInfect worm's initial infection vector that exploits Redis through CVE-2022-0543, a technique not commonly observed among cryptojacking-focused worms. The P2PInfect worm campaign is unique in its approach, targeting vulnerable Redis instances and performing worm-like operations. Despite similarities in target selection, there are no known links between this campaign and other established threat actor groups known for targeting Redis and deploying worms. These groups include Automated Libra (PurpleUrchin), Adept Libra (TeamTnT), Thief Libra (WatchDog), Money Libra (Kinsing), Aged Libra (Rocke), and Returned Libra (8220). What sets the P2PInfect worm apart from other worms, including those operated by Thief Libra, is its ability to establish a foothold in cloud container environments. This strategic maneuver allows it to stand out from other worms that target Redis, such as the cryptojacking malware operated by Adept Libra (TeamTnT) and Thief Libra (WatchDog). As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, understanding the tactics and techniques of these threat actors becomes increasingly crucial in developing robust defense mechanisms.
Description last updated: 2023-11-29T03:53:34.093Z
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TeamTNT is a notable threat actor, known for executing sophisticated cyberattacks with malicious intent. One of their most complex attacks targeted Kubernetes through the deployment of their Hildegard malware. This campaign demonstrated a new level of complexity and sophistication, setting it apart
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P2Pinfect is a form of malware, malicious software designed to infiltrate and damage computer systems or devices without the user's knowledge. It can enter your system through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites and once inside, it has the ability to steal personal information, disrupt operati
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Adept LibraUnspecified
Adept Libra, also known as TeamTNT, is a malicious threat actor that has been active in cybersecurity breaches since at least July 2021. The group is known for its innovative use of tools such as LaZagne to steal passwords from various operating systems, including Linux distributions in cloud-based
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a year ago
P2PInfect: The Rusty Peer-to-Peer Self-Replicating Worm
a year ago
ALERT: Self-Replicating P2PInfect Worm Hits Redis Instances