
Threat Actor updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T13:45:50.822Z)
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Temp.Overboard, also known as BlackTech, Circuit Panda, Palmerworm, and several other aliases, is a threat actor that has been active in the cybersecurity landscape since at least 2007. This group is known for its operations against targets in East Asia, specifically Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong. As a threat actor, Temp.Overboard represents a human entity or entities executing actions with malicious intent, which could range from a single person to a private company or even part of a government entity. BlackTech's activities have been tracked by cybersecurity experts who have identified a consistent pattern of cyberattacks against government entities and technology companies. These attacks have not been confined to East Asia; the group has also targeted similar organizations in the United States. The activity of this threat actor has been ongoing since approximately 2010, indicating a long-term, sustained campaign of cyber-espionage and potentially other forms of cybercrime. The naming conventions for such threat actors can be complex and varied across the cybersecurity industry, but regardless of the name—Temp.Overboard, BlackTech, Circuit Panda, Palmerworm, HUAPI, Manga Taurus, Red Djinn—the group represents a significant and enduring cybersecurity threat. Understanding and tracking the activities of such groups is crucial for developing effective defense strategies and mitigating potential damage from their operations.
Description last updated: 2023-10-11T02:53:51.214Z
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Alias DescriptionVotes
BlackTech is a possible alias for temp.overboard. BlackTech, a China-linked Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group, poses a significant cybersecurity threat due to its sophisticated and covert hacking activities. As a threat actor, BlackTech's operations involve executing actions with malicious intent, which can be attributed to individuals, privat
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