Star Fraud, a threat actor subgroup within the larger entity known as the Com, has recently been implicated in significant cyber-attacks on two major entertainment corporations, Caesars Entertainment and MGM Resorts International. These attacks were high-profile extortion attempts that underscored the serious risk posed by this malicious group. The cybersecurity industry has identified Star Fraud as an active and dangerous player within the broader ecosystem of cyber threats.
The identification of Star Fraud's involvement in these attacks was announced by researchers at SentinelOne's annual LABScon cyber threat intelligence conference. They believe that the recent intrusions against MGM Resorts International and Caesars Entertainment were likely orchestrated by members of Star Fraud. This conclusion is based on their analysis of the attack patterns and methodologies used, which align with those typically employed by this group.
Adding to the complexity of the situation, security researchers have suggested that Star Fraud may also be operating under another alias, Scattered Spider. This dual identity further complicates tracking and mitigating the activities of this threat actor. Nevertheless, the revelation of Star Fraud's possible involvement in these attacks highlights the need for robust cybersecurity measures and continuous vigilance against such sophisticated threat actors.
Description last updated: 2024-05-05T10:11:00.209Z