
Threat Actor updated 3 months ago (2024-11-15T16:18:39.333Z)
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Not enough context has been learned about Redant for a description yet. However we're tracking it as a Threat Actor profile. Threat Actor: A threat actor, also commonly referred to as a threat group, adversary, or hacking team, is a human entity that is behind the execution of actions with malicious intent. It could be a single person, a private company, or part of a government entity. The cybersecurity industry comes up with some pretty crazy naming conventions, and there are very little standards.
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Possible Aliases / Cluster overlaps
It's hard to track cluster overlaps and naming conventions between vendors, so here are some possible overlapping names / profiles you also may want to look at. Create a free account to see the source evidence for each alias, and help fix any errors.
Alias DescriptionVotes
Group123 is a possible alias for Redant. Group123, also known as APT37, RedAnt, RedEyes, ScarCruft, Inky Squid, and Reaper, is a threat actor group associated with North Korea. This group has demonstrated a variety of technical capabilities in their intrusions, primarily targeting government entities. Mandiant Threat Intelligence and AhnLa
APT37 is a possible alias for Redant. APT37, also known as RedAnt, RedEyes, ScarCruft, and Group123, is a threat actor suspected to be backed by North Korea. It has been active since at least 2012, primarily targeting South Korea across various industry verticals such as chemicals, electronics, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, and
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Information about the Redant Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
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3 months ago
3 months ago