Playful Dragon

Threat Actor updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T14:13:36.135Z)
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Playful Dragon, also known as APT15, Ke3chang, Mirage, Vixen Panda, GREF, Flea, Nickel, and Royal APT, is a notable threat actor in the cybersecurity sphere. This group has been identified by cybersecurity professionals as being behind numerous malicious activities with a history of targeting government entities, diplomatic missions, and embassies. Their actions are believed to be primarily focused on intelligence gathering, posing significant risks to national security and sensitive information. In recent years, Playful Dragon's activities have broadened to include attacks against diplomatic organizations, government organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Their modus operandi involves the use of sophisticated backdoor exploits for unauthorized access and control over targeted systems. Symantec researchers detailed these activities in a blog post on June 21, highlighting the group's evolving tactics and persistent threat. Last June, an incident involving a new exploit named Backdoor.Graphican was reported. This backdoor was used by Playful Dragon against foreign affairs ministries in the Americas, marking a resurgence of the group's activities. The attack underscores the ongoing threat posed by this group, emphasizing the need for increased vigilance and robust cybersecurity measures among potential target organizations.
Description last updated: 2024-05-02T13:16:46.869Z
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APT15 is a possible alias for Playful Dragon. APT15, also known as Vixen Panda, Nickel, Flea, KE3CHANG, Royal APT, and Playful Dragon, is a threat actor group suspected to be of Chinese origin. The group targets global sectors including trade, economic and financial, energy, and military, aligning with the interests of the Chinese government. I
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