Operation Hangover, also known as the Patchwork Group, is a threat actor operation identified for executing actions with malicious intent. This operation has been linked to various cyber-attacks and espionage campaigns, including one on Telenor. The cybersecurity industry has drawn connections between Operation Hangover and certain malware types, indicating a sophisticated and broad-reaching offensive strategy.
Bitdefender's analysis of the EHDevel malware revealed similarities to malware discussed in Blue Coat Labs' report "Snake in the Grass". This report further connected the analyzed malware and its infrastructure to Operation Hangover. These findings suggest that the same threat actor or group may be behind these seemingly disparate attacks, using similar tools and techniques across different operations.
Researchers at SentinelOne were able to reconstruct the infrastructure used by Appin operatives during Operation Hangover from data obtained by Reuters. This infrastructure was instrumental in carrying out the operation and other campaigns. The assembled infrastructure points towards a well-coordinated and resourceful operation capable of launching extensive cyber-attacks. This further underscores the significant threat posed by Operation Hangover and the need for robust cybersecurity measures to counter such advanced threats.
Description last updated: 2023-11-28T10:35:20.985Z