
Malware Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Minodo is a type of malware, a harmful program designed to exploit and damage computer systems. It can infiltrate your system through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, often without the user's knowledge. Once inside, it can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or even hold data hostage for ransom. In addition to Minodo, there are several other malware families including Emotet, IcedID, CobaltStrike, SVCReady, CargoBay, Pushdo, DiceLoader, AresLoader, LummaC2, Vidar, Gozi, Canyon, Nokoyawa Ransomware, and BlackBasta Ransomware. In 2023, the use of these malware types expanded significantly. New strains such as Minodo were obtained or purchased from FIN7 developers, a cybercrime group known for its sophisticated attacks. Other new additions to the malware family included the Nokoyawa and BlackBasta ransomware, Diceloader, a malware dubbed Canyon, Aresloader, and the information stealers Vidar and LummaC2. These developments indicate that the same actors behind previous cyberattacks continue to collaborate closely behind the scenes, testing and adopting new malware strains like SVCReady, CargoBay, and Minodo, and forging relationships with new actors such as DEV-0569. IBM Security X-Force recently reported that these malware strains are being encrypted and obfuscated by crypters, applications designed to evade detection by antivirus scanners and hinder analysis. This technique has been used to disseminate new malware strains such as Aresloader, Canyon, CargoBay, DICELOADER, Lumma C2, Matanbuchus, Minodo, Pikabot, and SVCReady. The emergence of these new malware families and their distribution methods underscore the evolving threat landscape and the need for continued vigilance and robust cybersecurity measures.
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Diceloader is a type of malware, short for malicious software, that is designed to infiltrate and damage computer systems. It can infect systems through various means such as suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, often without the user's knowledge. Once inside a system, it can steal personal in
Vidar is a Windows-based malware written in C++, derived from the Arkei stealer, which is designed to infiltrate and exploit computer systems. It has been used alongside other malware variants such as Emotet, IcedID, CobaltStrike, SVCReady, CargoBay, Pushdo, Minodo, DiceLoader, AresLoader, LummaC2,
BlackBasta is a malicious software (malware) known for its disruptive and damaging effects on computer systems. It infiltrates systems through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, often without the user's knowledge. Once inside, it can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or even ho
AresLoader is a type of malware that was first advertised for sale on the top-tier Russian-language hacking forum XSS in December 2022 by a threat actor named "DarkBLUP". This malicious software is designed to exploit and damage computer systems, often infiltrating through suspicious downloads, emai
LummaC2 is a relatively new information-stealing malware, first discovered in 2022. The malicious software has been under active development, with researchers identifying LummaC2 4.0 as a dynamic malware strain in November 2023. It's been used by threat actors for initial access or data theft, often
Lummac2 StealerUnspecified
LummaC2 Stealer is a prominent malware that has been increasingly utilized for initial access or information stealing over the past year. This malicious software, which can infiltrate systems through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, is designed to exploit and damage computers or devices by
SVCReady is a relatively new malware family first observed in malicious spam campaigns at the end of April 2022. This harmful software, designed to exploit and damage computers or devices, was initially unknown but has since been identified through IDS rules published by Proofpoint. The malware infe
CargoBay is a type of malware that has been associated with various ransomware attacks, including Quantum, Zeon, and Royal. It was used to crypt SVCReady, a loader observed in the Quantum ransomware attacks. CargoBay's usage extends beyond this, as it has also been linked to numerous other malicious
Lumma is a prominent malware, particularly known as an information stealer. It is delivered through various means, including suspicious downloads, emails, and websites. In one instance observed by Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42, Lumma was sent over Latrodectus C2 in an infection chain. In another campa
Nokoyawais related to
Nokoyawa is a notorious malware, particularly known for its ransomware capabilities. It has been associated with various other malicious software including Quantum, Royal, BlackBasta, Emotet, IcedID, CobaltStrike, SVCReady, CargoBay, Pushdo, Minodo, DiceLoader, AresLoader, LummaC2, Vidar, Gozi, Cany
Conti is a type of malware, specifically ransomware, known for its ability to disrupt operations, steal personal information, and hold data hostage for ransom. The malicious software infiltrates systems via suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, often unbeknownst to the user. It has been used in
Associated Threat Actors
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FIN7, a notorious threat actor group known for its malicious activities, has recently been identified as targeting a large U.S. carmaker with phishing attacks. This group, which has previously operated behind fake cybersecurity companies such as Combi Security and Bastion Secure to recruit security
ITG23, also known as the Trickbot/Conti syndicate, is a significant threat actor that has been active since 2016 in the East European cybercrime arena. This group is renowned for its use of Reflective DLL Injection code in many of its crypters, with the presence of these crypters on a file sample be
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Source Document References
Information about the Minodo Malware was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
a year ago
BlackCat Operators Distributing Ransomware Disguised as WinSCP via Malvertising
a year ago
The Trickbot/Conti Crypters: Where Are They Now?