
Threat Actor Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Magnallium, also known as Elfin, is a significant threat actor that has been active in the cybersecurity landscape. This entity, which could be an individual, a private company, or part of a government organization, has been identified as executing actions with malicious intent. A noticeable surge in its activity was observed in early to mid-2019, aligning it with similar patterns seen with other threat groups such as HEXANE and CHRYSENE. The lack of standard naming conventions in the cybersecurity industry can lead to confusion, but regardless of nomenclature, the activities of Magnallium pose a substantial risk. The similarities between the activities of Magnallium and those of HEXANE and CHRYSENE are noteworthy. These parallels suggest potential shared tactics, techniques, or procedures (TTPs) among these groups or possibly even common origins or affiliations. Understanding these connections could provide valuable insights into the broader threat landscape and aid in the development of more effective defensive strategies. Despite the increased activity of Magnallium, PARISITE, another threat actor, does not currently appear to have an Industrial Control System (ICS)-specific disruptive or destructive capability. Instead, it seems to function primarily as a tool for initial access, enabling further operations for Magnallium. This relationship suggests a level of cooperation or coordination among threat actors, underscoring the complexity of the cybersecurity landscape and the need for robust, multi-faceted defense strategies.
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Possible Aliases / Cluster overlaps
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IDVotesProfile Description
Elfin, also known by various names including Curious Serpens, Peach Sandstorm, APT33, HOLMIUM, MAGNALIUM, and REFINED KITTEN, is a significant threat actor with a track record of malicious cyber activities dating back to at least 2013. The group has been particularly active from 2016 to 2019, target
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Hexane is a threat actor originating from the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, involved in malicious cyber activities with the intent of espionage. The group has been active since at least 2019, showing similarities to other activity groups like MAGNALLIUM and CHRYSENE. Hexane primarily targets
Parisite, also known as Fox Kitten, Pioneer Kitten, or UNC757, is a threat actor believed to be associated with the Iranian government. This group has been operational since at least 2017, exhibiting activities targeting a broad geographic range including entities in the US, the Middle East, Europe,
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Source Document References
Information about the Magnallium Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
a year ago
Connect the Dots on State-Sponsored Cyber Incidents - APT 33
a year ago
PARISITE Threat Group | Dragos
a year ago
EXANE Threat Group | Dragos