Lorec53, also known as UAC-0056, TA471, SaintBear, and Ember Bear, is a threat actor group associated with numerous cyberattacks, particularly against Ukraine and Georgia. This group has been identified by various cybersecurity organizations, each using a different moniker to track its activities. The cybersecurity industry's lack of standard naming conventions has led to this multiplicity of names for the same threat actor. The group's actions have been linked to malicious intent, with the potential involvement of individuals, private companies, or even government entities.
The Ukrainian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UA) has specifically attributed a significant cyberattack in Ukraine to this group. The attack had various overlaps with previous campaigns targeting other organizations in Ukraine, Georgia, and other nations' assets local to Ukraine. These repeated attacks suggest a pattern of aggressive action against these countries, potentially revealing geopolitical motivations behind the group's activities.
Notably, the group's activities have been aligned with those of the Russia-associated Ember Bear group, indicating possible connections or similarities in tactics, techniques, and procedures. Government experts have also attributed the attacks to UAC-0056, associating it with other groups like DEV-0586, unc2589, and Nodaria. As Lorec53 continues to pose a significant threat to cybersecurity, ongoing monitoring and research are crucial to understanding and mitigating its impact.
Description last updated: 2023-10-10T22:48:27.749Z