
Malware Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Kasperagent is a malicious software or malware that was identified in our recent research, along with another malware family named Micropsia. These harmful programs are designed to exploit and damage computer systems, often infiltrating through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites without the user's knowledge. Once inside a system, they can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or even hold data hostage for ransom. In our investigation, we observed that one of the Command and Control (C2) servers used by these malware families was mailsinfo[.]com. Our previous research on Kasperagent and Micropsia led us to delve deeper into the server mail.pal4u[.]net on 148.251.135[.]117. This investigation revealed the C2 infrastructure of a new cyber campaign. We pivoted from our initial focus on Kasperagent and Micropsia to explore this newly discovered campaign, which appeared to be linked to the same C2 infrastructure. We have continued our research into the C2 infrastructure associated with Kasperagent and Micropsia since the discovery of this new campaign. Our ongoing investigation aims to understand the full extent of these threats, their operational details, and potential mitigation strategies. The discovery of this new campaign began where our previous research on Kasperagent and Micropsia left off, indicating a complex and evolving threat landscape.
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IDVotesProfile Description
Micropsia is a malicious software (malware) that we have been studying alongside another malware named KASPERAGENT. Both of these malwares are designed to infiltrate and exploit computer systems, potentially causing significant disruption and data theft. Micropsia, specifically, is a Remote Access T
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a year ago