Karma Panda

Threat Actor Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Karma Panda, also known as CactusPete or Tonto Team, is an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group that has been active since at least 2013. This threat actor is a highly skilled and well-resourced group that primarily targets organizations in the United States, Europe, and Asia with a focus on government, military, and defense sectors. Karma Panda uses a variety of methods to gain access to their target's network, including spear-phishing, watering hole attacks, and zero-day exploits. One notable attack attributed to Karma Panda occurred in 2015 when the group was suspected of hacking into the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and stealing sensitive information on millions of current and former government employees. The breach had significant national security implications and prompted the US government to implement new cybersecurity measures across federal agencies. Since then, Karma Panda has continued to evolve its tactics and techniques, including developing new malware strains and using more sophisticated social engineering tactics. The group remains a significant threat to organizations globally, and cybersecurity experts closely monitor its activities. Organizations must remain vigilant and implement strong security measures to protect themselves from potential Karma Panda attacks.
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CactusPete, also known as Tonto Team, is a Chinese-speaking cyber-espionage group that has been active since at least 2012. Characterized by medium-level technical capabilities, CactusPete has demonstrated a significant development pace, producing more than 20 samples per month. The group primarily
Tonto TeamUnspecified
Tonto Team is a Chinese government-aligned Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group, recognized for its malicious cyber activities. The team has been active for over a decade, utilizing various types of malware, notably the Bisonal and ShadowPad backdoors, in campaigns against entities in Japan, Russi
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a year ago
CactusPete APT group’s updated Bisonal backdoor