Threat Actor Profile Updated 3 months ago
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ITG14, a threat actor identified in the cybersecurity industry, has recently been linked to malicious activities involving the Domino Backdoor. X-Force researchers have found substantial evidence connecting the Domino Backdoor to ITG14’s Carbanak Backdoor. The Domino Backdoor not only shares significant code overlap with the Lizar family of malware, also known as Tirion or Diceloader, but it also demonstrates considerable similarities with malware associated with the Lizar Toolkit, both of which are attributed to ITG14. The observed collaboration between members of ITG14 and former members of ITG23 is consistent with past occurrences. This cooperation further expands the potential reach and impact of these threat actors, possibly leading to more sophisticated and damaging cyberattacks. However, while there is considerable overlap between the Domino Backdoor and ITG14's tools, this alone is insufficient for definitive attribution. Additional evidence supporting the connection between the Domino Backdoor and ITG14 includes the observation by X-Force analysts that two of the Domino Backdoor command-and-control (C2) addresses belonging to MivoCloud closely match C2 addresses previously used by ITG14 for SSH-based Backdoors. These findings suggest a preference on the part of an ITG14 developer for using MivoCloud for some of their C2 addresses. While this information does not conclusively attribute the Domino Backdoor to ITG14, it adds to the mounting evidence of ITG14's involvement.
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The Domino Backdoor is a type of malware that has been linked to multiple threat groups, highlighting the complexity of tracking these actors and their operations. This malicious software, designed to exploit and damage computers or devices, can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or hol
Carbanak BackdoorUnspecified
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Source Document References
Information about the ITG14 Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
a year ago
Ransomware 2020: Attack Trends Affecting Organizations Worldwide
a year ago
Ex-Conti and FIN7 Actors Collaborate with New Domino Backdoor
a year ago
The intricate relationships between the FIN7 group and members of the Conti gang
a year ago
Ex-Conti and FIN7 Actors Collaborate with New Domino Backdoor