IronWind is a threat actor (TA) that has been active since 2020, known for its execution of actions with malicious intent. A significant shift in its operations was observed from July to October 2023, when it launched a new series of targeted cyber-espionage attacks using a novel initial access downloader, IronWind, as reported by Proofpoint. The group's latest campaign showed an evolution in tactics, notably the use of IronWind as part of a complex infection chain. TA402, associated with this threat actor and identified as a pro-Palestinian advanced persistent threat (APT), utilized three variations of this infection chain—Dropbox links, XLL file attachments, and RAR file attachments—all consistently leading to the download of a DLL containing multifunctional malware.
In August 2023, TA402 introduced a new method of attack by sending an attached XLL file to load IronWind. This represented a significant tactical change from the group's prior methods, demonstrating the group's adaptability and increasing sophistication in their cyberattacks. The XLL files served as vehicles for the group to sideload its initial access downloader IronWind, effectively bypassing traditional security measures and enabling more effective infiltration of target systems.
By October 2023, TA402 had again changed its approach, sending a RAR file attachment that contained a renamed version of tabcal.exe to sideload IronWind. This switch from using a malicious PPAM file delivered via Dropbox or an attached XLL file demonstrated the group's continued evolution and adaptability in its cyber espionage efforts. The constant shifts in tactics underline the persistent and evolving nature of the threat posed by IronWind and TA402, necessitating ongoing vigilance and adaptive countermeasures.
Description last updated: 2024-08-13T15:17:41.668Z