
Threat Actor updated 4 months ago (2024-05-04T18:14:57.677Z)
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Hive0106, also known as TA551, is a notable threat actor recognized for its association with ITG23, another prominent entity in the cybercrime landscape. This partnership has been observed since mid-2021 by X-Force, a cybersecurity firm. Hive0106's primary role is as a distribution affiliate, delivering malware through various methods such as email lures and hosting payloads on newly created malicious domains. The group's tactics include impersonating legitimate business emails to trick recipients into falling for their scams, a method reminiscent of Business Email Compromise (BEC) schemes. In late February 2022, X-Force discovered that Hive0106 used at least one ITG23 crypter repeatedly in conjunction with the Qakbot banking trojan, and at least once with the Gozi banking trojan. Both instances were likely executed by the ITG23 distribution affiliate Hive0106. Moreover, leaked chats have revealed that Hive0106, represented by the gtags 'zev', 'zem', and 'zvs', has provided crypted malware samples to other affiliates and partners, including Bentley, Cherry, Netwalker, and Zeus. Throughout September and October, Hive0106 resumed distributing the Trickbot malware using the 'zem' and 'zvs' gtags. However, researchers remain uncertain whether ITG23 directly controls the delivery of these malicious emails via dedicated personnel or if they are independently distributed by other affiliates like Hive0106 and Hive0107. Despite this uncertainty, Hive0106's activities demonstrate a sophisticated and organized approach to cybercrime, underscoring the need for robust cybersecurity measures.
Description last updated: 2023-12-20T16:42:25.534Z
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TA551, also known as Hive0106, Shathak, and UNC2420, is a financially motivated threat group that has been active in the cybercrime landscape. This threat actor has been linked to various malware distribution activities, including those involving QakBot, IcedID, Emotet, Bumblebee, Gozi, and other ma
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TrickBot is a notorious malware that has been used extensively by cybercriminals to exploit and damage computer systems. It operates as a crimeware-as-a-service platform, infecting systems through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, often without the user's knowledge. Once inside, it can stea
Qakbot is a type of malware that has been linked to various cybercriminal activities, with its presence first observed as early as 2020. It gained notoriety for its role in the operations of the Black Basta ransomware group, which used Qakbot extensively in sophisticated phishing campaigns. The malw
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ITG23, also known as the Trickbot/Conti syndicate, is a significant threat actor that has been active since 2016 in the East European cybercrime arena. This group is renowned for its use of Reflective DLL Injection code in many of its crypters, with the presence of these crypters on a file sample be
Source Document References
Information about the Hive0106 Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
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9 months ago
Trickbot Rising — Gang Doubles Down on Infection Efforts to Amass Network Footholds
10 months ago
ITG23 Crypters Highlight Cooperation Between Cybercriminal Groups