
Malware Profile Updated 3 months ago
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FastViewer, also known as Fastfire or Fastspy DEX, is a malicious software (malware) associated with the Kimsuky hacker group. This malware is particularly dangerous as it is designed to exploit and damage Android devices, potentially leading to significant data breaches and privacy violations. The FastViewer malware is categorized as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), enabling hackers to perform a variety of harmful actions such as creating, deleting, or stealing files, retrieving contacts, making calls, sending text messages, turning on your camera, logging keystrokes, and more. The Kimsuky hacker group has been distributing this malware through a Google Play feature called "internal testing," which allows third-party developers to distribute their apps to a select group of trusted testers. This distribution method suggests a calculated and stealthy approach to spreading the malware, making it even more difficult for unsuspecting users to protect themselves. Recent attacks by the group have indicated an expansion of its cyber activities to include other Android malware strains like FastFire, FastSpy, FastViewer, and RambleOn. In response to the threat posed by FastViewer and similar malware, users are advised to take precautionary measures such as installing reputable Android antivirus apps and enabling Google Play Protect on their smartphones. These protective measures can help detect and remove harmful software, providing a layer of defense against these invasive cyber threats. However, vigilance in downloading and using apps, especially those from third-party developers, remains critical in ensuring one's digital safety.
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RambleOn is a newer version of the ROKRAT malware, specifically designed for Android devices. ROKRAT, also known as DOGCALL, has been a favored tool of cyber attackers and has evolved over time to be compatible with various platforms including macOS (CloudMensis) and Android (RambleOn). This demonst
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Kimsuky is a North Korea-linked advanced persistent threat (APT) group that conducts global cyber-attacks to gather intelligence for the North Korean government. The group has been identified as a significant threat actor, executing actions with malicious intent, and has recently targeted victims vi
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a year ago
Hackers are stealing Gmail messages — delete this extension right now | #hacking | #cybersecurity | #infosec | #comptia | #pentest | #hacker – National Cyber Security Consulting
a year ago
German and South Korean Agencies Warn of Kimsuky’s Expanding Cyber Attack Tactics | #hacking | #cybersecurity | #infosec | #comptia | #pentest | #ransomware – National Cyber Security Consulting