Equation Group

Threat Actor updated 4 months ago (2024-05-04T17:03:21.389Z)
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The Equation Group, a threat actor suspected of having ties to the United States, has been associated with various sophisticated cyber exploits. The group's EpMe exploit, which existed since at least 2013, was the original exploit for the vulnerability later labeled CVE-2017-0005. Another exploit, EpMo, has also been linked to the Equation Group, although it had not been discussed previously. Tools and techniques used by the Equation Group have been found in several affected systems, indicating their widespread use. For example, a custom hacking tool that combines four leaked Equation Group tools (EternalBlue, EternalRomance, DoublePulsar, SMBTouch) into a single executable was discovered. In 2022, APT31, a China-linked cyber espionage group also known as Zirconium, Judgment Panda, or Red Keres, made headlines when it was revealed that they used a tool called Jian. This tool is a clone of the Equation Group’s “EpMe” hacking tool, and it was used years before it was leaked online by Shadow Brokers hackers. Interestingly, the Equation Group's EpMe exploit was cloned by APT31, leading to the attribution of CVE-2017-0005 to APT31 instead of the Equation Group. The potential damage caused by these exploits is significant. In one instance, many of the systems affected by the WannaRen variant were found to contain the Equation Group's hacking tools. Although the correlation between the new WannaRen variant and the use of the Shadow Brokers’ toolkit (the leaked Equation Group tools) in this recent attack is yet to be fully verified, it is evident that such resources can cause as much harm as a nation-state attack. Furthermore, the publication of an Equation Group exploit on GitHub for the last four years highlights the accessibility of these tools to potential malicious actors.
Description last updated: 2024-03-26T12:15:33.612Z
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Shadow Brokers
The Shadow Brokers, a threat actor group, made headlines in the cybersecurity world for their leaks of sophisticated cyber tools believed to be developed by the Equation Group, an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group associated with the NSA's Tailored Access Operations unit. The most notable among
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Jian, a cyber espionage tool used by the China-linked APT31 group (also known as Zirconium, Judgment Panda, and Red Keres), has been implicated in multiple cyber espionage operations. The tool was first brought to public attention in 2022 when it was discovered by the Check Point Research team. Nota
Zirconium, also known as APT31, Judgment Panda, and Red Keres, is a threat actor linked to numerous cyber espionage operations. The group came into the spotlight in 2022 when the Check Point Research team discovered that it had used a tool called "Jian," a clone of the NSA Equation Group's hacking t
APT31, also known as Zirconium, is a threat actor group linked to the Chinese government that has been implicated in numerous cyber espionage activities. One of their most notable exploits was the cloning of the Equation Group's exploit, EpMe (CVE-2017-0005). This exploit was initially discovered du
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IDTypeVotesProfile Description
EpMe is a software vulnerability (CVE-2017-0005) that was first discovered within the Equation Group's exploit arsenal, with its existence traced back to at least 2013. The Equation Group, believed to be linked to the NSA, developed this exploit as part of their cyber toolset which also included Dan
EternalBlue is a significant software vulnerability that exists in the design or implementation of certain systems. This flaw has been exploited by various cyber threats, with one notable instance being its use as an enabler for the widespread WannaCry ransomware attack. The exploit allows attackers
Source Document References
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