
Malware Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Eking is a malware, specifically a variant of the Phobos ransomware family. Malware, or malicious software, is designed to infiltrate and damage computers without the users' consent. Eking can infect systems through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, often unbeknownst to the user. Once inside, it can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or even hold your data hostage for ransom. The Eking variant, along with Eight, Elbie, Devos, and Faust, are among the most common Phobos variants based on the frequency of their appearance across analyzed samples. The cybersecurity research team at FortiGuard Labs has captured and reported several instances of Eking and other Phobos ransomware variants. Their deep analysis of these threats provides valuable insights into their behavior and potential countermeasures. Eking, in particular, has been extensively studied by FortiGuard Labs, as evidenced by their detailed reports available online. Moreover, the malware commonly communicates via numerous email providers, including but not limited to gmx[.]com, tutanota[.]com, aol[.]com, protonmail[.]com, and gmail[.]com, making detection and tracking more challenging. The Eking malware is associated with an extensive list of file extensions including, but not limited to, faust, actin, DIKE, Acton, actor, Acuff, FILE, Acuna, fullz, MMXXII, GrafGrafel, kmrox, s0m1n, qos, cg, ext, rdptest, S0va, 6y8dghklp, SHTORM, NURRI, GHOST, FF6OM6, blue, NX, BACKJOHN, OWN, FS23, 2QZ3, top, blackrock, CHCRBO, G-STARS, faust, unknown, STEEL, worry, WIN, duck, fopra, unique, acute, adage, make, Adair, MLF, magic, Adame, banhu, banjo, Banks, Banta, Barak, Caleb, Cales, Caley, calix, Calle, Calum, Calvo, deuce, Dever, devil, Devoe, Devon, Devos, dewar, eight, eject, eking, Elbie, elbow, elder, phobos, help, blend, bqux, com, mamba, KARLOS, DDoS, phoenix, PLUT, karma, bbc, capital, wallet, lks, tech, s1g2n3a4l, murk, makop, ebaka, jook, logan, fiasko, gucci, decrypt, ooh, non, grt, lizard, flscrypt, sdk, 2023, and vhdv. This extensive list of associated file extensions underscores the broad reach and potential impact of Eking malware.
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IDVotesProfile Description
Phobos is a type of malware, specifically a ransomware, that has been a significant cause for concern in the cyber security world. This malicious software infiltrates systems through dubious downloads, emails, or websites and can cause severe damage by stealing personal information, disrupting opera
Faust is a newly discovered variant of the Phobos ransomware, an evolution of the Dharma/Crysis ransomware. It shares similar Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) with other variants such as Elking, Eight, Devos, and Backmydata, indicating a likely connection between them. Researchers from For
Devos is a variant of Phobos ransomware, a type of malware that infects systems and holds data hostage for ransom. It is closely linked to other variants such as Elking, Eight, Backmydata, and Faust ransomware due to similar Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) observed in their intrusions. Op
Elbie is a variant of the Phobos malware, a malicious software designed to infiltrate and damage computer systems. It typically infects systems through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites and can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or hold data hostage for ransom. Based on our anal
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Ghost is a type of malware, or malicious software, that infiltrates systems to exploit and cause damage. It is often disseminated through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, and can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or hold data hostage for ransom. In 2020, there were plans for
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Elbie Eking FaustUnspecified
Source Document References
Information about the Eking Malware was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
10 months ago
Phobos Ransomware: Everything You Need to Know and More
8 months ago
Understanding the Phobos affiliate structure and activity
6 months ago
Another Phobos Ransomware Variant Launches Attack – FAUST | FortiGuard Labs