Desert Falcons

Threat Actor updated 3 months ago (2024-06-13T16:17:34.575Z)
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Desert Falcons, also known as APT-C-23, Arid Viper, or Two-tailed Scorpion, is a threat actor group associated with cyber espionage activities that have been ongoing since at least 2013. This group has targeted countries in the Middle East and has shown links to the Gaza Cybergang Group2, which is known for its medium-level sophistication. The Desert Falcons have been tracked under various names by different cybersecurity firms, such as TAG-63 by Recorded Future, indicating the complexity of their operations and their significant presence in the world of cyber threats. The group's activities have been documented in several publications, including reports detailing their targeted attacks. Their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are analyzed, providing insight into their modus operandi. Furthermore, there is evidence of connections to other threat groups, like Operation Parliament (Group3), highlighting the interconnectedness of these malicious entities in the cyber landscape. Desert Falcons demonstrated a peak of activity towards the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, suggesting an escalation in their operations during this period. More information on the group's activities and their connections to other threat actors will be presented in future publications. Given their history and the potential for future threats, continued monitoring and analysis of the Desert Falcons' activities are essential for maintaining cybersecurity.
Description last updated: 2024-06-13T16:16:33.853Z
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Arid Viper
Arid Viper, also known as APT-C-23, Desert Falcons, or Two-tailed Scorpion, is a cyber espionage group that has been active since at least 2013, primarily targeting countries in the Middle East. The group's geographical location remains unknown, but it is associated with Palestinian interests and is
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Information about the Desert Falcons Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
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3 months ago
Arid Viper poisons Android apps with AridSpy
3 months ago
Arid Viper Hackers Spy in Egypt and Palestine Using Android Spyware
2 years ago
Gaza Cybergang Group1, operation SneakyPastes
a year ago
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a year ago
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2 years ago
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