Deep Panda, an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group, is a significant threat actor in the cybersecurity landscape. This entity is known for executing actions with malicious intent, using sophisticated tactics such as phishing emails to infiltrate target systems. The group's activities include sending malware links to employees, which once installed, create access points into the victim's network. This lack of standardization in naming conventions within the cybersecurity industry often leads to confusion, but Deep Panda's activities have been consistently nefarious and damaging.
The APT group has been linked to several high-profile data breaches. In 2013, Deep Panda was implicated in a major breach at Adobe, where customer credit card information, personal details, and the company’s source code were compromised. Two years later, in 2015, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management fell victim to a massive data breach attributed to Deep Panda. This breach involved the sensitive data of 21.5 million individuals, including security clearances, marking one of the most substantial breaches in U.S. history.
Deep Panda's attack techniques share similarities with another APT group, Codoso. Both groups heavily rely on the use of Derusbi malware to execute their attacks. This overlap suggests a potential connection or shared resources between these groups, further complicating the landscape of cyber threats. The consistent activity and evolving tactics of Deep Panda underscore the ongoing risk posed by this threat actor and highlight the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.
Description last updated: 2024-01-16T18:23:07.480Z