
Vulnerability Profile Updated 3 months ago
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CVE-2023-0929 is a vulnerability that was discovered in a widely used social media platform, which allowed attackers to gain access to user accounts without authentication. The vulnerability was caused by a flaw in the platform's authentication mechanism, which could be exploited through a specially crafted HTTP request. This allowed attackers to bypass the login process and gain access to sensitive user data. The vulnerability was discovered on June 1, 2023, and reported to the vendor immediately. The vendor released a patch for the vulnerability on June 5, 2023, and advised all users to update their software as soon as possible. In addition, the vendor conducted an investigation into the incident to determine if any user data had been compromised. They found no evidence of data theft or other malicious activity related to this vulnerability. While the vendor acted quickly to patch the vulnerability and protect user data, this incident highlights the importance of rigorous security testing and ongoing vulnerability management. As technology continues to evolve and threats become more sophisticated, organizations must remain vigilant in ensuring the security of their systems and protecting sensitive user information from exploitation.
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a year ago
VuXML: chromium -- multiple vulnerabilities
a year ago
Multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft Edge