
Vulnerability updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T14:38:20.661Z)
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CVE-2022-41040 is a software vulnerability that was discovered in late September 2022, along with another flaw, CVE-2022-41082. These two zero-day vulnerabilities were collectively known as ProxyNotShell. The vulnerabilities were exploited to compromise Microsoft Exchange through the proxy mechanisms previously targeted during the ProxyLogon and ProxyShell campaigns in 2021. In this instance, an authenticated variation called ProxyNotShell was used, demonstrating a significant evolution of threat actor techniques. The Cortex XSOAR playbook, titled "CVE-2022-41040 & CVE-2022-41082 - ProxyNotShell," was updated to address these new threats. It incorporated additional hunting, remediation, and mitigation tasks to identify and respond to exploitation attempts effectively. This update represented a proactive approach to managing the risks associated with these vulnerabilities, providing organizations with the tools needed to detect and respond to potential attacks leveraging these flaws. However, despite these mitigation efforts, threat actors found ways to bypass ProxyNotShell mitigations. They used an alternative exploitation vector that abused another vulnerability, CVE-2022-41080, to achieve their objectives. As highlighted in the report, ransomware-affiliated actors were able to exploit this vulnerability, showing the persistent and evolving nature of these cyber threats. This underscores the need for continuous monitoring, updating, and refining of security measures to combat such dynamic threats.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T18:19:13.238Z
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Proxynotshell is a possible alias for CVE-2022-41040. ProxyNotShell is a software vulnerability, specifically a flaw in the design or implementation of Microsoft Exchange Server. It was first identified and exploited through CVE-2022-41082, as reported by Palo Alto Networks' Unit 42. The ProxyNotShell exploit method leveraged an AutoDiscover endpoint t
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The Proxyshell Vulnerability is associated with CVE-2022-41040. ProxyShell is a vulnerability that affects Microsoft Exchange email servers, posing a significant risk to organizations worldwide. This flaw in software design or implementation allows attackers to exploit the system and gain unauthorized access. Since early 2021, Iranian government-sponsored APT acUnspecified
The CVE-2022-41082 Vulnerability is associated with CVE-2022-41040. CVE-2022-41082 is a critical software vulnerability discovered in Microsoft Exchange Servers, which allows for Remote Code Execution (RCE). This flaw is one of two zero-day vulnerabilities found, the other being CVE-2022-41040. The RCE vulnerability presents a significant threat as it enables attackUnspecified
The vulnerability Proxynotshell Cve-2022-41040 is associated with CVE-2022-41040. Unspecified
The CVE-2018-13379 Vulnerability is associated with CVE-2022-41040. CVE-2018-13379 is a critical vulnerability that affects FortiOS and Fortiguard, presenting a flaw in their software design or implementation. This specific vulnerability, which can expose sensitive credentials, has been frequently exploited, making the top 15 most routinely exploited list in both 20Unspecified
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