
Vulnerability Profile Updated 3 months ago
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CVE-2022-26076 is a vulnerability that affects the widely used Apache Tomcat web server. This vulnerability allows attackers to launch denial-of-service attacks against affected servers, causing them to become unresponsive and potentially leading to service disruption for legitimate users. The vulnerability is caused by a flaw in the way that Apache Tomcat handles certain types of requests, which can be exploited by attackers to consume all available resources on the server. The vulnerability was first discovered in early 2022 and was subsequently assigned CVE-2022-26076. The Apache Software Foundation, which maintains the Apache Tomcat software, released a patch for the vulnerability on March 22, 2022, along with a recommendation that all users of affected versions of the software should apply the patch as soon as possible. While there have been no public reports of the vulnerability being actively exploited in the wild, the potential for widespread impact if left unpatched means that it is important for organizations running Apache Tomcat to take prompt action to secure their systems. As with any vulnerability, it is also important for system administrators to stay vigilant and keep up-to-date with the latest security advisories to minimize the risk of exploitation.
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a year ago
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