
Vulnerability Profile Updated 3 months ago
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CVE-2020-26534 is a vulnerability that was identified in October 2020. It is a flaw in the implementation of the Exim mail transfer agent software, which is used by many Linux-based email servers to send and receive emails. The vulnerability allows an attacker to execute remote code on the target server, potentially giving them full access to the system and all its data. The vulnerability was discovered by security researchers who had been conducting routine scans for vulnerabilities in popular software. They reported the issue to the Exim development team, who quickly released a patch to fix the vulnerability. However, it is believed that many servers were already compromised by the time the patch was released. The impact of CVE-2020-26534 was far-reaching, as Exim is used by a large number of email servers worldwide. Many organizations were affected by the vulnerability, including universities, government agencies, and businesses. The incident highlights the importance of regularly updating software and promptly applying patches when they become available to ensure the security of critical systems.
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