
Vulnerability Profile Updated 3 months ago
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CVE-2018-1027 is a vulnerability that was discovered in the Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) firmware. This vulnerability allows an attacker with physical access to a computer to bypass the BIOS password and gain remote access to the computer's management features, allowing them to execute arbitrary code, steal data, or modify the system's configuration. The vulnerability affects all versions of the AMT firmware prior to version 11.8.60. The vulnerability was discovered by security researchers at F-Secure in January 2018 and reported to Intel. Intel released a security advisory in March 2018, acknowledging the vulnerability and providing instructions for users to mitigate the risk. The advisory recommended disabling AMT if it was not needed or updating to the latest version of the firmware. Exploits for CVE-2018-1027 were developed and released by various security researchers soon after the vulnerability was disclosed. In May 2018, the Metasploit Framework included an exploit module for the vulnerability, making it easier for attackers to exploit the vulnerability. As a result, the vulnerability became a popular target for attackers, and many organizations were affected. It is important for organizations to stay up-to-date with firmware updates and implement proper security controls to prevent unauthorized physical access to their systems.
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