
Vulnerability Profile Updated 3 months ago
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CVE-2017-1000010 is a vulnerability that affects the Apache Struts Framework, which is an open-source web application framework used for developing Java-based applications. The vulnerability revolves around the way that the framework handles user input, allowing attackers to exploit it and execute code remotely. This can result in unauthorized access to sensitive information, such as personal data or financial records, stored on the targeted server. The vulnerability was first discovered in March 2017 by security researchers who reported it to the Apache Software Foundation, the organization responsible for maintaining the Apache Struts Framework. The foundation quickly released a patch to address the issue, but unfortunately, many organizations failed to apply the patch in a timely manner, leaving their systems vulnerable to attack. One of the most significant cyberattacks that exploited CVE-2017-1000010 was the Equifax data breach, which occurred in May 2017 and resulted in the theft of personal information belonging to over 143 million people. The attackers were able to exploit the vulnerability in Apache Struts to gain access to Equifax's systems and steal sensitive data. This incident raised concerns about the importance of promptly applying software updates and patches to prevent vulnerabilities from being exploited by malicious actors.
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