
Vulnerability Profile Updated 3 months ago
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CVE-2016-3313 is a remote code execution vulnerability that affects the Android operating system. The vulnerability was discovered in April 2016 by researchers at Zimperium zLabs, who reported it to Google. The flaw exists in the mediaserver component of Android, which is responsible for handling media files such as audio and video. An attacker can exploit the vulnerability by sending a specially crafted media file to a victim's device via multimedia messaging service (MMS), email or other communication channels. Once exploited, an attacker gains control over the victim's device and can execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges. This could lead to sensitive information being stolen or the device being used to launch further attacks against other devices on the network. Google released a patch for the vulnerability in May 2016, but many devices remain vulnerable due to slow or non-existent security updates from manufacturers and carriers. The vulnerability caused significant concern due to the large number of Android devices in use worldwide. In particular, the fact that the flaw could be exploited simply by receiving a message or email made it especially dangerous. The discovery of the vulnerability highlighted the need for better software development practices, timely security updates, and increased awareness of the risks associated with mobile devices.
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