
Vulnerability Profile Updated 3 months ago
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CVE-2009-0220 is a vulnerability that affected the way some versions of the Apache HTTP Server handle requests with multiple overlapping ranges. The flaw was caused by an incorrect implementation of the HTTP protocol and could potentially allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems or even crash the server. The vulnerability was first reported in January 2009, and a patch was issued soon after. The impact of CVE-2009-0220 was significant, as it affected a widely used web server software that runs on various operating systems. The vulnerability allowed attackers to launch denial-of-service attacks against servers by sending specially crafted HTTP requests with overlapping ranges. Additionally, if exploited successfully, attackers could execute arbitrary code on the affected system with the privileges of the user running the Apache process, potentially gaining full control over the system. Apache quickly released a patch for the vulnerability, and users were advised to upgrade their installations to the latest version as soon as possible. However, as with many vulnerabilities, some systems remained unpatched, leaving them vulnerable to potential attacks. The incident highlights the importance of promptly applying security patches and updates to mitigate the risks posed by known vulnerabilities.
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