Commando Cat

Threat Actor updated 3 months ago (2024-06-06T09:17:31.432Z)
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Commando Cat is a threat actor, or malicious entity, that has been identified as the force behind an attack campaign exploiting exposed Docker remote API servers. This campaign is notable due to its unique initial step, which involves deploying harmless containers using the open-source GitHub project known as Commando. The name "Commando Cat" was coined because of this initial step, and the campaign has been analyzed in depth by cybersecurity experts at Cado Security. The Commando Cat campaign specifically targets Docker's API endpoints, according to findings released by Cado researchers. The attack sequence involves leveraging Docker as an initial access point, then abusing the service to mount the host's filesystem. Following this, a series of interdependent payloads are run directly on the host. The campaign is primarily a cryptojacking operation, which illicitly uses the victim's computing resources to mine cryptocurrency. The identity and origin of the threat actor behind Commando Cat remain unclear. There have been overlaps noted in the scripts used and IP addresses between Commando Cat and other threat groups such as Team TNT. This could suggest a potential connection or simply indicate that Commando Cat is imitating these other groups. Regardless, the existence and activities of Commando Cat underscore the ongoing risks associated with exposed Docker remote API servers and the broader challenges of maintaining secure digital environments.
Description last updated: 2024-06-06T09:17:16.836Z
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Commando is a threat actor identified as being behind the "Commando Cat" attack campaign, which poses significant cybersecurity risks through the abuse of exposed Docker remote API servers. The Commando Cat attack sequence involves deploying benign containers generated using the publicly-available C
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Information about the Commando Cat Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
PreviewSource LinkCreatedAtTitle
3 months ago
'Commando Cat' Digs Its Claws into Exposed Docker Containers
Trend Micro
3 months ago
Commando Cat: A Novel Cryptojacking Attack Abusing Docker Remote API Servers
7 months ago
'Commando Cat' Is Second Campaign of the Year Targeting Docker