
Malware Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Chinoxy is a type of malware that can infect computers and devices, often through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites. This malware is designed to exploit and damage the system by stealing personal information, disrupting operations, or even holding data hostage for ransom. Chinoxy is particularly dangerous because it uses an RTL backdoor and Chinoxy backdoor to gain access to the system and evade detection from antivirus software. The Chinoxy malware was first discovered in 2018 when a Chinese hacking group used it to target organizations in Southeast Asia. The group, known as APT27, used Chinoxy along with other tools to steal confidential data and intellectual property. The malware was also used to monitor the activities of targeted individuals and organizations, allowing the hackers to gain sensitive information and conduct further attacks. Since its discovery, Chinoxy has continued to pose a threat to organizations around the world. It is important for individuals and companies to take steps to protect their systems from this and other types of malware by using antivirus software, keeping operating systems and applications up to date, being cautious of suspicious emails and downloads, and regularly backing up important data.
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a year ago
APT trends report Q1 2020