Carbanak Group

Threat Actor updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T14:01:16.592Z)
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The Carbanak Group, also known as FIN7, is a notorious cybercrime gang responsible for some of the largest banking heists in history. This threat actor specializes in executing actions with malicious intent, often deploying data-stealing backdoors such as the CARBANAK malware. Despite several arrests and convictions of its members, the group has continued to evolve its business model and toolset, demonstrating resilience and adaptability. The group first came into public attention around 2015 when their activities were exposed, leading to a brief hiatus in their operations. However, they reemerged stronger, targeting new entities and expanding their operations. The Carbanak Group's tactics involve sophisticated evasion techniques and the use of monitoring capabilities similar to those provided by the Trojan malware. Not all usage of the CARBANAK backdoor is associated with FIN7, indicating that the group's strategies and tools may be adopted by other threat actors. In recent years, law enforcement agencies have been closely tracking the activities of the Carbanak Group, resulting in multiple arrests and convictions. Despite these setbacks, the group continues to pose a significant threat to cybersecurity. Their persistence underscores the need for continuous vigilance and robust security measures to counter such advanced persistent threats.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T20:01:55.901Z
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Carbanak is a possible alias for Carbanak Group. Carbanak is a notorious malware developed by the cybercrime collective known as FIN7, also referred to as Carbon Spider, Cobalt Group, and Navigator Group. The group, which has been active since 2012, is of Russian origin and has been particularly focused on exploiting the restaurant, gambling, and
FIN7 is a possible alias for Carbanak Group. FIN7, also known as Carbanak, Carbon Spider, Cobalt Group, and Navigator Group, is a notorious cybercrime group that has been active since 2012. The group is recognized for its advanced combination of malware and social engineering tactics, having executed numerous successful attacks against global
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