Threat Actor Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Bronze Huntley is a recognized threat actor, known for its malicious activities in the cybersecurity domain. The group has been identified as using the ShadowPad DLL loader (secur32.dll), a notorious tool that allows them to inject malicious code into legitimate processes, thus evading detection and gaining unauthorized access to targeted systems. In addition, Bronze Huntley operates a ShadowPad Command and Control (C2) server, which acts as a central hub for managing their illicit operations, including data theft, system manipulation, and further malware deployment. This threat actor has been linked to significant cyber-espionage activity, notably by CTU researchers who have traced ShadowPad activity back to both Bronze Huntley and another threat group called Bronze Butler. These findings suggest a level of cooperation or shared resources between these two groups, which could indicate a larger, coordinated effort to compromise specific targets. The research further revealed that both groups are reportedly located in the Northern Theater Command, suggesting a potential geographical base for their operations. The identification and analysis of Bronze Huntley's tactics and tools provide crucial insights into this threat actor's capabilities and intentions. However, their association with other threat actors like Bronze Butler and their shared use of sophisticated tools like the ShadowPad DLL loader and C2 server underscore the evolving complexity of cyber threats. As such, organizations must remain vigilant and proactive in their cybersecurity efforts, continuously updating their defenses to counteract the ever-changing strategies employed by these threat actors.
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Bronze Butler, also known as Tick, is a sophisticated threat actor primarily focusing on cyberespionage against Japanese enterprises. In March 2023, ESET reported an operation by Bronze Butler that compromised the update server of an East Asian Data Loss Prevention (DLP) company, notably serving gov
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ShadowPad is a modular backdoor malware that has been utilized by several Chinese threat groups since at least 2017. Notably, it was used as the payload in supply chain attacks targeting South Asian governments, as reported in the VB2023 paper. ShadowPad provides near-administrative capabilities in
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a year ago
ShadowPad Malware Analysis