Bronze Butler, also known as Tick, is a sophisticated threat actor primarily focusing on cyberespionage against Japanese enterprises. In March 2023, ESET reported an operation by Bronze Butler that compromised the update server of an East Asian Data Loss Prevention (DLP) company, notably serving government and military entities. CTU researchers have linked the activities of Bronze Butler to Bronze Huntley, both reportedly located in the Northern Theater Command. The group employs a range of malware, including Datper — a Delphi-coded RAT likely created by Bronze Butler to replace Daserf. Furthermore, Bronze Butler has demonstrated advanced techniques such as creating forged Kerberos Ticket Granting Tickets (TGT) and Ticket Granting Service (TGS) tickets to maintain administrative access.
The modus operandi of Bronze Butler involves compromising organizations and creating a list of files from compromised hosts and file-share servers, essentially a "shopping list". In some instances, Bronze Butler has given malware the same name as an existing document file on the file share server, causing users to unwittingly launch and install the malware on additional systems. The group also uses tools like T-SMB Scan to list available SMB hosts and screen-capture tools to gather more information. Bronze Butler's activities often evade detection, with several antivirus tools failing to scan inflated files associated with their incidents.
Given the sophistication and persistent nature of Bronze Butler's activities, organizations are advised to actively monitor for signs of this threat actor. Evidence of web server scanning using URL patterns associated with Bronze Butler activity can be found in proxy log files. Additionally, the removal of the help message functionality by Bronze Butler indicates a move towards stealthier operations. As Bronze Butler continues to pose a significant threat to organizations, particularly those in Japan, robust cybersecurity measures and constant vigilance are crucial to mitigate potential attacks.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T18:50:20.324Z