Bluelight Malware

Malware updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T13:55:35.265Z)
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The Bluelight malware is a harmful software program designed to exploit and damage computer systems. It was identified by Volexity in a recent investigation, where it was found being delivered to a victim alongside another malware, RokRAT. The Bluelight malware infiltrates systems through suspicious downloads, emails, or websites, often without user knowledge. Once inside, it can steal personal information, disrupt operations, or even hold data hostage for ransom. The delivery of this malware is notably stealthy, utilizing different cloud providers to facilitate command and control (C2), making network-based detection significantly more challenging. In the incident described, Volexity tied the newly observed Bluelight malware family to Advanced Persistent Threat 37 (APT37), based on the use of RokRAT malware. Both Bluelight and RokRAT were deployed sequentially during the intrusion, indicating a coordinated attack strategy. The effectiveness of these techniques was underscored by the fact that none detected the presence of either the RokRAT or Bluelight malware families, demonstrating their ability to evade detection successfully. The Bluelight malware process involves multiple shellcode stages before ultimately executing the Windows executable payload without any disk involvement. This method further complicates detection and mitigation efforts, as it deploys the well-known RokRat or Bluelight malware directly into memory. As such, organizations are advised to stay vigilant and maintain robust cybersecurity measures to protect against such sophisticated threats.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T16:24:25.314Z
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ROKRAT is a possible alias for Bluelight Malware. RokRAT is a form of malware that has been utilized in cyber-espionage campaigns primarily targeting South Korean entities. It is typically delivered via phishing emails containing ZIP file attachments, which contain LNK files disguised as Word documents. When the LNK file is activated, a PowerShell
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