Black Listing

Threat Actor updated 2 months ago (2024-11-29T14:32:33.208Z)
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Black Listing, a threat actor group also known as Killnet, emerged in the cybersecurity landscape with malicious intent. This group has been particularly active since late 2022 and early 2023, when they partnered with Deanon Club to conduct Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against several darknet markets focused on narcotics. In February, Killnet and Deanon Club escalated their activities by establishing "Black Listing," a DDoS-for-hire extortion group specifically targeting these darknet markets. In March, Killnet further formalized its operations by announcing a DDoS-as-a-service offering dubbed "Black Listing." This development was perceived by Flashpoint as an attempt by the collective to carve out a more formal identity for itself. The service is designed to spot malware, spyware, and injection code within requests by scrutinizing the content and behavior of traffic, essentially functioning as a black-listing firewall. The repeated use of the name "Black Listing" or "Black Skills" signifies Killnet's intention to establish itself as a corporate entity within the cybercrime industry. However, despite its sophisticated naming and operational structure, Black Listing primarily operates as a simple DDoS-as-a-service provider. The threat posed by this group underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures, particularly for entities operating within the darknet.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T17:57:36.723Z
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KillNet is a possible alias for Black Listing. Killnet is a threat actor or group with potential ties to the Russian government, known for its disruptive cyber-attacks. This group has been linked to several politically motivated attacks, including a significant assault on the Israeli government's website leading to its paralysis. Killnet has als
Black Skills is a possible alias for Black Listing. Black Skills is a newly established Private Military Hacking Company (PMHC), announced by Killmilk, the leader of the Russian hacktivist collective Killnet, on March 13, 2023. The initiative, launched via Telegram, appears to be an effort by Killnet to establish itself as a corporate entity and furt
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