Black Banshee, also known as Kimsuky, APT43, Emerald Sleet, Velvet Chollima, and TA406, is a threat actor group believed to be operating under the North Korean Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), the country's primary intelligence service. The group has been active since at least 2012, according to U.S. government estimates. Tracked by both the U.S. and South Korea governments, along with private-sector cybersecurity companies, Black Banshee is involved in large-scale social engineering campaigns, often using spoofed emails appearing to be from universities, think tanks, and journalists.
The group has gained notoriety for its advanced persistent threat (APT) activities, which includes the use of unique tools and techniques. One such tool, dubbed "ReconShark," is characterized by unique execution instructions and server communication methods, further demonstrating the group's sophisticated cyber capabilities. This tool is used for reconnaissance, gathering valuable information that can be used in subsequent attacks.
The Department of Treasury has officially designated Black Banshee as subordinate to the RGB, marking it as a significant threat to global cybersecurity. Their activities are part of a broader pattern of malicious cyber activity associated with North Korean operations. With their continued operation and evolving tactics, Black Banshee represents a persistent threat to institutions worldwide, necessitating ongoing vigilance and robust cybersecurity measures.
Description last updated: 2024-05-16T19:16:11.890Z