Threat Actor updated 4 months ago (2024-05-04T20:18:16.601Z)
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APT17, also known as Tailgator Team and Deputy Dog, is a threat actor suspected to be affiliated with the Chinese intelligence apparatus. This group has been associated with various aliases including Winnti, PassCV, Axiom, LEAD, BARIUM, Wicked Panda, and GREF. The primary targets of APT17 are the U.S. government, international law firms, and information technology companies. This group conducts network intrusions against these organizations, demonstrating sophisticated capabilities in cyber espionage. APT17 has been active since at least 2010 and is known for its expertise in supply chain attacks, exemplified by Operation Aurora, one of the most advanced cyber attacks ever conducted. The group's activities came into sharper focus following the compromise of Piriform, a software company. During this attack, APT17 managed to sign and distribute altered versions of the popular CCleaner software to a vast customer base. Kaspersky and Intezer identified notable code similarities between the backdoor implanted in CCleaner and earlier APT17 samples, using Intezer Analyze™. This shared code, a unique implementation of base64 only seen in APT17 operations, strengthens the attribution to this threat actor. APT17 is believed to be part of a loosely connected network of private contractors operating on behalf of China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS). Both APT41/Barium and APT17 have historically used the Winnti malware family, which is associated with activity linked to multiple Chinese cyber espionage operators. The discovery of these connections and code similarities underscores the ongoing threat posed by state-sponsored cyber espionage campaigns like those conducted by APT17. Two developers have been identified as being associated with APT17, further highlighting the group's ties to the Chinese state-sponsored hacking ecosystem.
Description last updated: 2024-05-04T20:10:00.469Z
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The Winnti Group is a sophisticated threat actor that has been active since at least 2007, first identified by Kaspersky in 2013. This collective of Chinese nation-state hackers is known for its advanced cyberespionage capabilities and its unique strategy of targeting legitimate software supply chai
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ZxShellhas used
ZXShell is a malicious software (malware) that has been used by various cyber threat actors to exploit and damage computer systems. It is known to be associated with other malware such as PANDORA, SOGU, GHOST, WIDEBERTH, QUICKPULSE, FLOWERPOT, QIAC, Gh0st, Poison Ivy, BEACON, HOMEUNIX, STEW, among o
Associated Vulnerabilities
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CVE-2015-5119 is a software vulnerability, specifically a flaw in the design or implementation of Adobe Flash. This vulnerability was discovered as part of the Hacking Team data breach that took place in 2015. In this leak, internal data of the Italian cybersecurity firm Hacking Team was exposed, in
Source Document References
Information about the APT17 Threat Actor was read from the documents corpus below. This display is limited to 20 results, create a free account to see more
PreviewSource LinkCreatedAtTitle
10 months ago
Burning Umbrella: An Intelligence Report on the Winnti Umbrella and Associated State-Sponsored Attackers
2 years ago
Suspected Chinese Cyber Espionage Group (TEMP.Periscope) Targeting U.S. Engineering and Maritime Industries | Mandiant
a year ago
Researchers Identify Second Developer of ‘Golden Chickens’ Malware
a year ago
Шпионский код под Windows-системы госструктур и авиакомпаний оставался незамеченным пять лет
2 years ago
Chinese State-Sponsored Activity Group TAG-22 Targets Nepal, the Philippines, and Taiwan
2 years ago
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) | Threat Actors & Groups
2 years ago
Operation Aurora: Supply Chain Attack Through CCleaner - Intezer
a year ago
Lancefly APT Hackers Using Custom Backdoor to Attack Government Orgs
a year ago
Sophisticated Merdoor backdoor long used in Lancefly APT attacks