Threat Actor Profile Updated 3 months ago
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Actinium, also known as Primitive Bear or Shuckworm, is a notable threat actor in the realm of cyber espionage, primarily focusing on Ukraine. This group is one of several Russian government Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) hacking teams that have actively engaged in cyber operations against Ukraine. The Federal Security Service unit called Gamaredon, aka Actinium, launched a significant number of attacks in the second half of 2022. Other units involved include the GRU military intelligence unit APT28, aka Strontium and Fancy Bear; SVR units APT29, aka Nobelium and Cozy Bear; and UAC-0035, aka InvisiMole, which focuses on cyberespionage. In a recent development, Microsoft, which previously used an all-caps naming scheme linked to chemical elements like ACTINIUM and IRIDIUM to describe nation-state and other advanced malware tracking activity, has changed its naming convention for threat groups. Citing the complexity, scale, and volume of threats, Microsoft has moved away from names derived from atomic elements and adopted a two-name scheme based on storm terminology. For instance, the Russia-related group formerly known as ACTINIUM is now referred to as Aqua Blizzard. This shift in nomenclature does not diminish the importance of understanding and countering these threat actors. Their activities continue to pose significant risks to cybersecurity and national security. It's crucial for organizations and entities to remain vigilant and proactive in their defense strategies, ensuring they are equipped to identify, mitigate, and respond to these ever-evolving threats.
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Gamaredon, a Russian Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group, has been actively tracked since 2013 and is recognized as a significant threat actor in the cybersecurity landscape. Its primary target is Ukraine, against which it deploys an array of home-brewed malware through malicious documents. The E
Aqua Blizzard
Aqua Blizzard, previously known as ACTINIUM, is a significant threat actor originating from Russia. Recently, Microsoft revamped its naming convention for threat groups, transitioning from all-cap names based on atomic elements to a two-name scheme inspired by storm terminology. Aqua Blizzard has be
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InvisiMole is a sophisticated malware with modular architecture, designed to infiltrate and exploit computer systems undetected. It begins its operation using a wrapper DLL and performs activities through two other modules embedded in its resources. Notably, the malware is capable of scanning enable
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Strontium, also known as APT28, Fancy Bear, Forest Blizzard, and several other aliases, is a Russia-linked threat actor that has been active since at least 2007. This group, believed to be associated with the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), has targeted governments, milita
Nobelium, a threat actor linked to Russia's SVR, has been actively targeting French diplomatic entities as part of its cyber-espionage activities. The Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group has utilized sophisticated techniques such as phishing and attempts to install Cobalt Strike, an advanced malw
APT28, also known as Fancy Bear, is a threat actor linked to Russia and has been involved in numerous cyber espionage campaigns. The group is notorious for its sophisticated tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Recently, NATO and the EU formally condemned APT28's activities, acknowledging the
Fancy BearUnspecified
Fancy Bear is a sophisticated Russian-based threat actor, also known as Sofacy or APT 28, that has been active since the mid-2000s. Fancy Bear is responsible for targeted intrusion campaigns against the Aerospace, Defense, Energy, Government and Media sectors. At the DNC, both Cozy Bear and Fancy Be
APT29, also known as Cozy Bear, SVR group, BlueBravo, Nobelium, Midnight Blizzard, and The Dukes, is a threat actor linked to Russia. This group is notorious for its malicious activities in the cybersecurity realm, executing actions with harmful intent. It has been associated with several high-profi
Cozy BearUnspecified
Cozy Bear, also known as APT29, is a threat actor linked to the Russian government that has been implicated in numerous cyber-espionage activities. The group's activities have been traced back to at least 2015, when they were identified as infiltrating the Democratic National Committee (DNC) network
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